
Curriculum and tuition fee

We Academy Condominium

Founded in 2003 in Iloilo City, Philippines. This English language school has been existing for more than 17 years. Though more popularily known for its low tuition fee, the level of our language instructors is also highly commendable due to their long years of experience in teaching. In fact, our instructors have attained college and even master’s degree. Majority of them have made over 5 to 20 significant years in this academy. The extension rate of about 40% shows a satisfactory evaluation for We Academy

In May 2019, We Academy moved to more accessible location in the heart of Iloilo City. By far, We Academy is one of the best language schools in Iloilo, always striving and driven to maintain a high quality education at an affordable price. Ournew facilities, low training cost and quality instructors are just few of our high grounds at We Academy.

Company Name We Academy
Address E. Lopez st, San Vicente Jaro ILOILO city 5000,Phil
Year Established Since 2003
Capacity 150
Establishment certificate SSP : AFFS NO. AFF-04-134,SEC COMPANY REG.NO-CS201712538
Teachers 50~75
Dorm’s Rooms 74
Facilities Café, swimming pool, basketball court,Gym, library, lobby.

The best language school for language study Choose a Validated Organization!

Personalized Curriculum

We offer a conversation oriented type of classes depending on the student’s needs. We have a tailored curriculum where students can choose from the courses according to their preference. For ESL Course, the student/s will learn the basic foundation for English conversation.The student may also choose his subject of interest, such as TOEIC and IELTS.

< class course and curriculum >
Course Evening Class(free 2 hour evening class)– except Friday) Class Duration
esl a Man to man class 3hours,group class 2hours 50mins(1 class)
esl b Man to man class 4 hours, group class 1 hour 50mins(1 class)
esl c Man to man class 4 hours, group class 2 hours 50mins(1 class)
esl c+ Man to man class 5 hours, group class 2 hours 50mins(1 class)
Semi-sparta D Man to man class 6 hours, group class 2 hours 50mins(1 class)
ESL TOEIC Man to man class 4 hours, group class 2 hours 50mins(1 class)
ESL IELTS Man to man class 4 hours, group class 2 hours 50mins(1 class)


ESL A and ESL B courses caters 5 regular hours of class per day. It is recommended for those who want to study at a slow pace and want to have ample free time on their own.

  • 3 hour man to man class : Conversation, Listening, Reading, Grammar, Vocabulary
  • 2 hour group class: Conversation, Debate, CNN, TOEIC / IELTS Listening, Movie and Drama
  • A 2-hour evening class (optional) from 5-7 pm with 45 minute interval, Monday-Thursday. TOEIC, IELTS Writing, Conversation are some of the subjects offered in this class

ESL-C, C +

highly recommended for those who want to learn the basics of English in more balanced way of learning and is very suitable for those who are staying for over 12 weeks.

  • 4 hour man to man class : Conversation, Listening, Reading, Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing
  • 2 hour group class: Conversation, Debate, CNN, TOEIC / IELTS Listening, Movie and Drama
  • A 2-hour evening class (optional) :from Monday to Thursday, 5-7 pm with 45 minute intervals. TOEIC, IELTS Writing, Conversation are the subjects offered based on the need of the learner.

Semi-Sparta D

This is the most intensive ESL program. It is suited for students who are under a 12 week stay and want to study intensively.

  • 6 hour man to man class: Conversation, Listening, Reading, Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing
  • 2 hour group class: Conversation, Debate, CNN, TOEIC / IELTS Listening, Movie and Drama
  • A 2-hour evening class (optional) : from Monday to Thursday, 5-7 pm with 45 minute intervals. TOEIC, IELTS Writing, Conversation are the subjects offered based on the need of the learner.


TOIEC Course is offered as a man to man class set up and ESL is a group class. It is recommended for those who want to improve their speaking skill while learning TOEIC as their main course. In the TOEIC entry to 800 point mid-level, we offer classes that are programmed to each level.

  • 4 hour man to man class: TOEIC Listening, TOEIC Reading, TOEIC Speaking
  • 2 hour group class: Conversation, Debate, CNN, TOEIC / IELTS Listening, Movie and Drama
  • A 2-hour evening class (optional) : from Monday to Thursday, 5-7 pm with 45 minute intervals. TOEIC, IELTS Writing, Conversation are the subjects offered based on the need of learner.


Man to man classes consist of IELTS subjects and ESL in the group class. This is recommended for those who want improve their speaking while learning IELTS as their main course. Students from IELTS beginners to 5.5 levels can take this course. We offer classes that are programmed to each level.

  • 4 hour man to man class: IELTS Listening, IELTS Reading, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Writing.
  • 2 hour group class: Conversation, Debate, CNN, TOEIC / IELTS Listening, Movie and Drama.
  • A 2-hour evening class (optional) : from Monday to Thursday, 5-7 pm with 45 minute intervals. TOEIC, IELTS Writing, Conversation are the subjects offered based on the need of the learner.
Time Schedule Schedule of Activities
07:00~08:00 Breakfast
08:00~08:50 Man to Man Class - Conversation
09:00~09:50 Man to Man Class – Grammar and Vocabulary
10:50~10:50 Man to Man Class - Writing
11:00~11:50 Man to Man Class - Reading
~~13:00 Lunch
13:00~13:50 Man to Man Class -Conversation
14:00~14:50 Group Class -Debate
15:00~15:50 Group Class –IELTS Listening
16:00~16:50 Man to Man Class –Conversation and Pronunciation
~~17:30 DinnerandFree Time
17:30~19:00 Free Evening Class(optional class)
19:00~21:00 Self-Study Time

We Academy’s Services offered3 meals per day, free cleaning service twice a week, 1 time free laundry coupon.

좌, 우 드래그가능
WE Academy Tuition
Class (course) tuition fee term
ESL A course 1:1 classes 3 / group 2 and free class 2(Except Friday) total 7hours $570 4weeks
ESL B course 1:1 classes 4 / group 1 and free class 2(Except Friday) total 7hours $660 4weeks
ESL C course 1:1 classes 4 / group 2 and free class 2(Except Friday) total 8hours $710 4weeks
ESL C+ or TOEIC 1:1 classes 5 / group 2 and free class 2(Except Friday) total 9hours $800 4weeks
ESL D or IELTs 1:1 classes 6 / group 2 and free class 2(Except Friday) total 10hours $880 4weeks
If you select only class ,additional cost of 25% from the Tuition fee
좌, 우 드래그가능
Accommodation cost
Dormitory Fee Single room $820 Twice a week Room cleaning
Double room $580 Provide 3 meals a day(weekend also)
Triple room $530 Water fee ,Electricity fee, Washing Clothes fee not included
Family room $580 Dormitory Deposit 2000peso - Refund at checkout
ILOILO Airport pick up free - kalibo Airport 1Person 2500peso, 2Person each 2000peso , 3person each 1500peso , after 4person each 1000peso
좌, 우 드래그가능
Tuition and Dormitory Fees
ESL A 1:1 classes 3 / group 2 and free class 2(Except Friday) total 7hours
Period 4weeks 8weeks 12weeks 16weeks 20weeks 24weeks
Single room $1,390 $2,780 $4,170 $5,560 $6,950 $8,340
Double room $1,150 $2,300 ¥$3,450 $4,600 $5,750 $6,900
Triple room $1,100 $2,200 $3,300 $4,400 $5,500 $6,600
ESL B 1:1 classes 4 / group 1 and free class 2(Except Friday) total 7hours
Period 4weeks 8weeks 12weeks 16weeks 20weeks 24weeks
Single room $1,480 $2,960 $4,400 $5,920 $7,400 $8,880
Double room $1,240 $2,480 $3,720 $4,960 $6,200 $7,440
Triple room $1,190 $2,380 $3,570 $4,760 $5,950 $7,140
ESL C 1:1 classes 4 / group 2 and free class 2(Except Friday) total 8hours
Period 4weeks 8weeks 12weeks 16weeks 20weeks 24weeks
Single room $1,530 $3,060 $4,590 $6,120 $7,650 $9,180
Double room $1,290 $2,580 $3,870 $5,160 $6,450 $7,740
Triple room $1,240 $2,480 $3,720 $4,960 $6,200 $7,440
ESL C+ or TOEIC 1:1 classes 5 / group 2 and free class 2(Except Friday) total 9hours
Period 4weeks 8weeks 12weeks 16weeks 20weeks 24weeks
Single room $1,620 $3,240 $4,860 $6,480 $8,100 $9,720
Double room $1,380 $2,760 $4,140 $5,520 $6,900 $8,280
Triple room $1,330 $2,660 $3,990 $5,320 $6,650 $7,980
ESL D or IELTs 1:1 classes 6 / group 2 and free class 2(Except Friday) total 10hours
Period 4weeks 8weeks 12weeks 16weeks 20weeks 24weeks
Single room $1,700 $3,400 $5,100 $6,800 $8,500 $10,200
Double room $1,460 $2,920 $4,380 $5,840 $7,300 $8,760
Triple room $1,410 $2,820 $4,230 $5,640 $7,050 $8,460
Refund Rule : If canceled 2 weeks before departure, full refund (registration fee-Non-refundable)
If canceled within 2 weeks of departure, 85% refund of the total amount (registration fee-Non-refundable) / after arrival 60% refund.
Refunds are available when more than 4 weeks are left for 7 week stay, only the 4 weeks will be refunded
Guardian Course 1:1 classes 3 hours per day
Period 4weeks 8weeks 12weeks 16weeks 20weeks 24weeks
Double room $1,040 $2,080 $3,120 $4,160 $5,200 $6,240
Triple room $990 $1,980 $2,970 $3,960 $4,950 $5,940
After arrival in We Academy(Refund Rule is 60% of tuition fee and dormitory fee-every 4weeks)
After arrival in We Academy(Refund Rule is 60% of tuition fee and dormitory fee-every 4weeks)
Cancellation Within 2 weeks of departure(fefund 85% except registration fee)
좌, 우 드래그가능
Tuition and Dormitory Fees
Price Term Add individual Class
7000P 4weeks Add 1:1 Class
5000P 4weeks Add 1 group Class
5000P 4weeks One hour of group class changed to one hour of man to man class
No refund changing from man to man to group class or change class course
좌, 우 드래그가능
Tuition and Dormitory Fees
Additional payment SSP Special Study Permit - every 6months 6,500peso
ACR I-CARD Alien Registration Card 3,500peso
Book fee on average each book about 180~450peso 180~450peso
Laundry cost each time 150peso(5kg), add 1kg 30peso 1 month about 600peso
electricity bill Basic fee 500peso + using Meter 1,000~1,500peso/4weeks
Water fee 500peso/ 4weeks(5CB) 500peso
Maintenance Fee Full-payment at a time 1,000peso/4weeks
Registration fee only 1 time 100$
SSP E CARD Special Study Permit card 4000peso
좌, 우 드래그가능
Visa Extension Fee (Pesos)
NO Detail Visa fee
1st (59 days) 30 days free visa + 29days 4,130 peso
2nd (30days) Amounts may different by location or by immigration agent 5,300 peso
3rd (30days) 3,400 peso
4th (30days) 3,400 peso
5th (30days) 3,400 peso
If the total period of stay in the Philippines is more than 6 months (Certificate of Residence for Temporary visitor), the application fee is 1400 pesos.